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# Beers 3735
# Bottles and Cans 4334
# Bottles 4255
# Cans 79
# Bottles and Cans this Year 66
# Projected Bottles and Cans 70
# Companies 1078
# Countries 79
Avg. Alcohol 6.95
Avg. Rating 3.27

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Hexen Brau

Company: Hurlimann
Brand: Hexen Brau
Type: Lager
Style: Dark
Rating 3
Alcohol %: 5.4%
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Latest Sample Date: 9/14/1997
Appearance: Dark bron.
Tasting Impressions:
Malty. very sweet. Somewhat like stout like. Smooth. Minimal hops. Strong alcohol, which shows a bit in the taste. A bit of a Bock flavor, particularly in the aftertaste.

Message Board:

Date Visitor From Comments (No Links Allowed)
3/3/2005 11:12:46 PM  Britt Childress  Columbia South Carolina  Man, this is some good stuff... the local package store sold out their entire lot for $2.99 a six pack- my friends and I bought it all up in a few days... two bottles is a heavy buzz, three and your girlfriend will be pissed off at you for being so drunk... strange, it's only a 5.4% brew... it's infamous years after the above story, and we wtill want more! 
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