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BrewPalace Summary
# Beers 3775
# Bottles and Cans 4380
# Bottles 4263
# Cans 117
# Bottles and Cans this Year 6
# Projected Bottles and Cans 36
# Companies 1083
# Countries 79
Avg. Alcohol 6.93
Avg. Rating 3.27

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Samuel Adams

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Boston Lager

Company: Samuel Adams
Brand: Boston Lager
Type: Lager
Rating 5
Alcohol %: 4.8%
Available In the USA?
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Latest Sample Date: 11/30/1995
Appearance: Golden & Cloudy. Good head.
Additional Info:
This beer started with a 2.5 rating, but has steadily risen in rating. 167 calories
Tasting Impressions:
Kind of sweet for a lager. Tastes and acts very much like an ale. Fairly thick & creamy. Mild levels of bitterness. Has lots of different flavors. Very complex. Nice and sweet. Becomes better each time I have one. It's the best beer on tap ever.

Message Board:

Date Visitor From Comments (No Links Allowed)
1/5/2001 12:29:02 PM  Mike  Bal'mer  I agree - this beer is the best I have ever had. Not over-flavored like some of the other Sam Adams beers. 
4/10/2004 11:33:16 AM  FatHitler Scanlan  Fort Myers, Florida  Look, I'm not sure whats going on here, if you can imagine my cromulence. But I can't drink beer or I'll end up groping a shemale and then slow dancing with it in the gator lanes lounge in Ft. Myers Florida again. Please review exotic meats and cheeses instead of "beer" in the future. Hugs and Kisses, Fathitler Scanlan 
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