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# Beers 3735
# Bottles and Cans 4334
# Bottles 4255
# Cans 79
# Bottles and Cans this Year 66
# Projected Bottles and Cans 71
# Companies 1078
# Countries 79
Avg. Alcohol 6.95
Avg. Rating 3.27

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Plank Road

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Southpaw Light

Welcome to the message board for Plank Road Southpaw Light. Enter any comments, experiences or opinions you wish about the beer.
Note: The opinions represented here are not those of the BrewPalace staff - they are of its patrons!

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Date Visitor From Comments (No Links Allowed)
12/12/2007 5:07:45 PM  josh may  pikeville ky  how can i get southpaw in pikeville ky, i have to drive over 3 hours to Sevierville TN 
1/26/2008 7:02:07 AM  james simpson  lumberton nc 28358  do u have the mini kegs, 1.5 gallons in this area? 
4/10/2009 1:17:00 PM  greg beatty  pooler ga  i like your southpaw light. i have been drinking it for a few years now. when i first started drinking it i looked at the label and never looked again.til now ! how many different labels do you have for southpaw light ?  
4/16/2009 9:41:28 PM  Grant  Tennessee  hey greg i've been drinking southpaw cans for a few years and only started finding a place in my town, one store only, that sells it in bottles, i've been noticing the different labels also, and so far i've found 9 different ones as of tonight, i would also like to know how many there are total because it is a favorite beer in my house amongst myself and my three previous australian roommates and 1 former irish roommate. 
5/1/2012 8:43:41 PM  patrick w mulligan  mims fl  i love southpaw light my brother love's it and he is in virgina, lot's of people i know down here love the beer only problem is the local distriputors are hoding back and not putting it out to the public, i have talked to the plank rd. people and they tell me for not being advertised like other brands it sells very well, so guess what it would proberly sell more if it was in the stores and not in the wharehouse, i tried to talk to a distributor and all he wanted to do was try to talk me into one of his other brands, it will sell just let the people know its there and get back to va. also. 
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